Finally a really stylish, and at the same time functional secateur of the highest quality. The handles are made of hard-pressed aluminium with plastic all around to increase strength while minimizing weight. Built-in shock absorption. Side cut. Cuts branches up to 25 mm.
Length: 21 cm. Weight: 230 grams
What exactly is a good secateur?
A good pair of secateurs should be kind to your hands and wrists and the secateurs should enhance your own strength. It is also important that the secateurs provide a clean cut on shrubs, trees and flowers to minimize the risk of injury and disease. Our secateurs therefore have side blades, which means that the blades on the secateur pass each other like on a normal pair of scissors. A good pair of secateurs are therefore adapted to your hand and wrist, whilst being kind to what you choose to cut. It is also important to remember that secateurs only prune branches up to 25mm, and sizes after this should not be pruned with secateurs to minimize the risk of damage to both you and the shrub, tree or flowers.