In addition to being a designer, Anna is a writer and has actually been named 'Sweden's Christmas tree expert' by the media, whereupon she frequently appears in the media around Christmas, talking about Christmas trees.
In The Christmas Tree Book, you'll find out everything you need to know about the Christmas tree. Everything from history to care tips.
Half a million pine needles in your living room. That's how many needles there are on a normal-sized Swedish Christmas tree. You want all of these needles, or at least most of them, to stay on your tree over Christmas and New Year. How do you do it?
The Spruce Book gives you all the tips and advice on how to make your spruce feel good and stay as beautiful as possible. You'll also find out about the history and origins of the Christmas tree, how to plant and grow it in the best way, what to think about when buying or cutting it, fun anecdotes and inspiration on different types of Christmas tree decorations from the tree's childhood to the modern day.
Author: Anna Benson